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玄關二帝廟 Yuen Kwan Yi Tai Temple 

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玄關二帝廟是位於長盛街街尾,並由鄉民所興建的廟宇。主要是供奉關帝和玄天上帝。為何一墟會有兩廟呢?正常一個墟市只會設立一座廟宇,而元朗舊墟即同時存在兩座廟宇。聽說是因當地風水問題,鄉民才於後期興建此廟。原因是想興建此廟以堵塞村內北面的出口,避免財氣流失。同時,因北方在五行中屬水,所以北帝被視為水神,鄉民望能籍此鎮壓水患;關帝則被視為財神和正義的象徵,是商人的守護神,幫助商人們解決糾紛。 此外,二帝廟已被納為一級歷史建築,估計是建於康熙時期,廟內也保存了不少清朝的文物,如由佛山隆盛爐鑄造並刻有「康熙甲午年」(1714年)的銅鐘、及製於康熙二十四年的香鼎。



Yuen Kwan Yi Tai Temple was built by the villagers of the old market, located on the outskirts of Cheung Shing Street. It is mainly worship for Kwan Tai and Emperor XuanTian. Why did two temples build in the same market? It usually builds a temple in the market. The villagers believed that Feng Shui might impact their fortune, so they built the temple to avoid losing their luck. At the same time, Emperor Xuantian belongs to the north. The north way belonged to water in five elements so that Emperor Xuantian could suppress the flood. Kwai Tai was regarded as the god of wealth, the symbol of justice, and the patron saint of merchants. He would assist the merchants in resolving disputes.

Furthermore, Yuen Kwan Yi Tai Temple is a Grade I historical building in Hong Kong. It was built around the Kangxi period. The temple preserved lots of cultural relics from the Qing Dynasty. For example, a bronze bell by Foshan Longsheng Furnace in 1714  and the incense ding in Kangxi in 1685.

特色 features

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Incense Ding

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A bronze bell by Foshan Longsheng Furnace (1714)

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Created by MAK Pui Hang & Designed by CHAN Hiu Wa and LAW Wan Sha

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