The Stories of the Fishing Community in Shau Kei Wan: Life in Stilt Hut and Boat Squatters
講座邀請「街坊帶路」的導師——莫志榮先生分享筲箕灣水上人的故事。他自1960年代起在筲箕灣成長和生活,見證的社區變遷,亦十分熟悉筲箕灣的歷史。 講座中,莫先生與主持人會以對答的形式向觀眾介紹筲箕灣水上人生活,以加深他們對水上人的了解。 此外,我們將會透過問答環節,解答同學對水上人的疑問,並探究當時筲箕灣水上人和陸上居民的故事。
Mr. Mok is familiar with Shau Kei Wan and has witnessed the community's changes. The oral history of the fishing community in Shau Kei Wan would be introduced by Mr. Mok. Interactive approaches with participants would be used to explain the life of the boat people as well as residents on land at that time.
日期 Date: 11/4/2023
時間 Time: 13:30-14:50
地點 Venue: Yeung Kin Man Academic Building Y5 - 302
嘉賓 Guest:
莫志榮先生 Mr. Mok Chi Wing
As both the docent and tutor of the “Kaifong Tour” (街坊帶路), a local social enterprise that aims to promote and maintain social connections and engagements through community tourism. Mr Mok is an advocate of promoting the cultures and history of Hong Kong while specialising in telling vivid and informative stories about the eastern district. Given his background as a local and his understanding towards Shau Kei Wan, he was invited as a tour guide for the “Oral history of Bing Sutt: Cultural tour on Shau Kei Wan community”, a programme organised by the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe). Currently, he is also a tutor in assisting Cultural Walker, a Servant Leadership Training Programme of the City University of Hong Kong in tour planning