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Chun Yuen Pawn House

香港現存最古老的當舖建築,擁有二百多年歷史,由鄧廉明創立,屬私人物業。當年墟市人潮湧湧,不少人趁墟期到舊墟採購,當村民和商人在採購時現金不足,他們會到當舖典押財物以作週轉。建築物會採用堅固防水的青磚作為外牆,同時設有木門及木欄以防盜賊,屋後儲物庫用作存放財物。 隨著舊墟日漸式微,當舖已不再經營,但路經的人仍能透過建築的外型一窺昔日的風光。


The over 200-year-old pawn shop in Yuen Long Old Market was founded by Tang Lim Ming. Back in those days, many people went shopping during the market opening period. While villagers and merchants pawned their property for turnover when they were short of cash. This building is constructed with green brick, a wood gate, along with a storehouse, which was used to prevent thieves. Even though the pawn shop was no longer functioning, people could still through the architecture to imagine its heyday.


located at the Hong Kong Museum of History’s permanent exhibition 

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