Workshop 1: Embroideries Guided Tour
展覽將會展出由英皇拖鞋慷慨借出的布料樣板和繡花拖鞋,讓參加者可以近距離接觸並深入了解繡花拖鞋。除了説明製作繡花拖鞋的傳統工藝手法,我們的學生導遊還會向大家介紹英皇拖鞋繡花鞋的設計和靈感來源。 最後,導賞會從英皇拖鞋公司的角度講述繡花行業的變化。
By participating in this workshop, participants will be able to interact with the cloth sample and embroidery slippers. Aside from observing the technique of embroidery slippers, student helpers will introduce the design of embroidery slippers and the inspiration behind them. Last but not least, the changing nature of the industry from King’s Slippers Company's point of view will also be mentioned in the workshop.
日期 Date: 14/4/2023
時間 Time:
時段一 (Section I): 12:00-12:10
時段二 (Section II): 12:20-12:30
時段三 (Section III): 12:40-12:50
Workshop 2: Cup Sleeve Holder Making Workshop
工作坊把複雜的漁網編織技術簡化成漁網杯套,讓參加者通過製作一個屬於自己的漁網杯套,從中體驗漁網的製作和了解漁民的艱辛。 為了激發參加者的創意和增添活動的趣味性,工作坊提供了五色的麻繩,讓參加者製作獨一無二的漁網杯套。 最後,本次的工作坊希望能提高參加者對水上人漁網編織技術的關注。
This workshop aims at enabling participants to experience the making of fishnets in a simple way by creating their own fishnet cup sleeve holder. To increase choices and inspire participants' creativity, five colors of hemp ropes are used in the workshop. Consequently, this workshop can raise participants' awareness of the boat people's technique for making fishnets.
日期 Date: 14/4/2023
時間 Time: 15:00-16:30