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Final chapter: Review of 10 years
最後: 十年印記

25th December 1963

We got off because of Christmas and went to the Garden Restaurant for Christmas dinner. We earn a lot in the dawn market; therefore, we can have a great dinner. Only people who dress up can enter the restaurant and must dress beautifully and tidily for meals inside. I dressed up in a dress and high heels. Also, I dressed up my family in a pretty and handsome way. Walking through the street, we were the most adorable family in Sham Shui Po!

Ten years ago, today was the day that we lost our home. During this decade, we have had ups and downs. Starting with the fire, we lost our home. Then, we experience the riots when living in Mei Ho House. Those gave a terrific slap on our life. Fortunately, our life started on track after I received a sewing machine. We started working in the garment industry and got a stable income and life. Now we still were not wealthy, but it was enough that we were blessed. 




Christmas Dinner

     A restaurant which serves western dishes appeared in Hong Kong in the 1960s. The Garden company operated a restaurant in Sham Shui Po. Western restaurants are more advanced and expensive than local restaurants. The price of a cup of coffee is ten times more than that of local restaurants. Therefore, many people would go to western restaurants during particular days or festivals for celebration.

     People started celebrating Christmas in the 1960s. They tended to have a Christmas dinner, enjoyed Christmas illumination and listened to Christmas carolling. Having a Christmas dinner at the Garden Restaurant was one of the most popular activities during that period. Most people would have a themed Christmas dinner with their family at the Garden restaurant. The themed Christmas dinner includes different western and Chinese meals and desserts. Also, Santa would stay at the restaurant entrance to give the public a Christmas blessing and gift. Furthermore, the Garden also rolled out different types of Christmas cake and sweets for people to celebrate this existing festival.

     The appearance of the Garden restaurant reflected the living environment, and standards started to improve in the 1960s. People were living hard in the 1950s after the war, and life started on track in the 1960s. People started to consider and pursue the quality or taste of food rather than worry about basic needs. The appearance and action of going to the Garden restaurant represent the change in the living environment and the rise of the middle class. Also, the western restaurant promoted western diets and created a dream for most people. Having meals in western restaurants was a yearning at that time.





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Having Christmas dinner
with family members



Santa gifting outside the Garden restaurant

Copyright 圖片版權
1: 取自香港中央圖書館 參考及資訊查詢中心;華僑日報, 1961-12-24 (NPWK19611224)
2: 由組員自行拍攝,並取得香港青年旅舍協會美荷樓生活館同意展出

Reference 參考文獻
Li, Chu Wai. “More Than a Potential Threat: The PRC’s Intervention During the Double Tenth Incident.”
Ng, Michael. Political Censorship in British Hong Kong : Freedom of Expression and the Law (1842-1997). 

香港房屋委員會︰《人、物、情 — 香港公共房屋發展五十年》
香港靑年旅舍協會:《美荷樓記 : 屋邨歲月,鄰里之情》
鄭敏華︰《深水埗故事 : 從社區公共歷史建築看地方發展史及其人文價值》


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