The Eastern District, being one of the most developed areas in early Hong Kong, is a prime example of cultural interaction and exchange between various ethnic groups. Thus, the focus is placed on three Han Chinese subgroups in the Eastern district namely the “Fujianese” and “Shanghainese” in North Point, and also the “boat people” in Shau Kei Wan.
Starting from the beginning to the mid-20th century, both the “boat people''and Shanghainese took refuge from the war along with their capital, skillsets and cultures. Their contributions and impacts on the region are vital and should not be overlooked. Unfortunately, their physical marks on the community are gradually disappearing from the public’s eyes due to social development.
By rediscovering their cultures and immigration history, the exhibition presents the audience with oral history and historical knowledge about different landmarks and built heritage related to these communities, so as to appreciate the impacts and contributions of these communities to Hong Kong as a whole.
東區是香港早期最發展的地區之一,吸引不同移民族群聚居,為社區帶來豐富的文化色彩。 這啟發我們把研究範圍聚焦在北角「上海人」和筲箕灣的「水上人」,以及現今聚居北角的「福建人」。