工作坊一 : 素時錦年:增添美荷樓的生活色彩
Workshop 1: Ordinary but Splendid:
Adding Vibrant Colour to the life in Mei Ho House
The story of Jane is not an isolated case, but reflects a typical pattern of life in the early resettlement estates since the 1950s. In the 2000s, public housing quality reforms led to the demolition and replacement of these estates. Mei Ho House, the only remaining "Mark I" building and being kept as a 'container of memories', is in a way to continue to interpret the countless stories that happened in resettlement estates during the early days.
We would like to invite our audience to share their own interpretation through paintbrush after exploring our exhibition. They are encouraged to do the colour mixing, and to put a stroke on our Mei Ho House 3D model.
啊珍作為我們展覽的主角,她的故事並非個例,而是反映了自 1950 年代以來,徙置大廈居民的生活模式。 然而,隨著香港房屋制度的改進和完善,早期建立的第一型徙置大廈於1990年開始被清拆和更換,而美荷樓作為碩果僅存的歷史建築,它被賦予了「記憶載體」的作用,以展覽的方式繼續延續當年的故事。
我們邀請觀眾在探索展覽後通過畫筆為美荷樓的 3D 模型增添色彩,用顏色分享他們對展覽的解讀和感受。
日期 Date: 4/4/2023 - 14/4/2023
時間 Time: 17:30-19:30 (4 April)
11:00-17:30 (6, 12-14 April)
13:00-17:30(11 April)
工作坊二 :「書⋅纖」:布書籤工作坊
Workshop 2 :DIY Fabric Bookmark Workshop
“When a bookmark tumbles out of an old book pristine and unwrinkled, it is like a gasp of breath from another century.”———Don Borchert (2007)
Books and exhibitions are both storytellers which reveal and pass on meanings. Jane’s story runs throughout our exhibition, which will emphasise that even though ways of living like hers no longer exist, they should never be forgotten. In our workshop, participants can create their own bookmarks by adding personal touches to fabric. So they can experience how fabrics are processed, along with reminiscing about their experience in our exhibition whenever they use the bookmark.
「當一個書簽從一本原始而沒有皺巴巴的舊書中滾落出來時,就像來自另一個世紀的喘息」———Don Borchert (2007)
書籍和展覽都擁有傳遞故事的功能。 我們以啊珍的故事貫穿整個展覽,並希望強調:即使這樣的生活方式不復存在,他們也不應該被遺忘。有見及此,我們邀請參與者在布料上以水筆裝飾,為織物添加個人風格,來製作出獨特的布書籤。這樣他們就可以在使用書籤的同時,體驗面料的加工過程,回憶他們在我們展覽中的經歷。
日期 Date: 4/4/2023
時間 Time: 17:30-19:30