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Workshop 1:“Create Your Own Yuen Long Street Sign”

Let's create a street sign! The aim of this activity is to encourage participants to be creative and to observe the surroundings of Hong Kong by designing a street sign that is related or reflected Yuen Long District. After the participants created their colourful street signs, they are invited to bring their signs everywhere and join the "Check-In Activity" by mentioning the festival's social media account on Facebook or Instagram.

「元」路,創作你的街牌吧!這個活動鼓勵參加者發揮創意,設計一個與元朗區相關的街牌,鼓勵參加者多留意香港周圍的街邊環境,發掘香港的特色。設計街牌後,參加者可以帶住他們自己設計的街牌到香港不同的地方參與文化節的打卡活動,將相片發放到社群網站上並標記文化節的社交平台 (Facebook or Instagram)。


日期 Date: 12/4/2023 
時間 Time: 12:00- 18:00
時段一 (Section I): 12:00-15:00
時段二 (Section II): 16:00-18:00

Workshop 2: “Smart Matching of Weitou Dialect”

Considering the Weitou dialect is one of the dialects common to walled villages, this activity is meant to introduce visitors to the dialect. First, we will prepare some Weitou dialect question cards and translate them into Cantonese and English. Our next step is to stick the cards on a whiteboard. Visitors can guess the meaning and match them in the correct order to get gifts.


日期 Date: 12/4/2023
時間 Time: 16:00-18:00

Workshop 3: “Yuen Long Features Hide and Seek

This activity aims to let visitors consolidate the knowledge they learnt from our exhibition boards. Our matching questions will be related to the features of festivals and food in the Yuen Long District. Including Shap Pat Heung, Ping Shan and San Tin. It is important for visitors to read our board carefully and capture the main features we include on it.


日期: 12/4/2023
時間 Time: 12:00-15:00
嘉賓 Guest:鄭家鈿先生Mr. Mike Cheng


Mr Cheng is the manager and co-founder of the “Home of Indigenous Culture”, an organisation which provides hands-on experience in making walled village food. Mr Cheng and his wife Ms Man Ying Kiu, a 25th generation of the Man clan, are the inheritors of making four traditional walled villages food namely Sau Fan (手粉), Cha Kwo (茶粿), Chinese Fever vine Cha Kwo (清明仔) and sweet potato cake (蕃薯餅). Through holding different workshops for students and organisations regularly, he and his wife are dedicated to promoting this traditional walled village food culture as well as to educating the public about other cultures and the history of the walled village.


嘉賓 Guest:鄧國平先生Mr. Tang Kwok Ping

Mr Tang Kwok Ping is an inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of the Tang clan, one of the five major clans in the New Territories. As one of the members of the Tang clan, he is the 27th generation of the clan and has lived in Ping Shan for over 50 years. He grew up participating in various clan ceremonies and eventually becomes the organiser of the “Spring and Autumn Ancestral Worship of Clans” . Also, he inherited the skills of making traditional Chaozhou sweets from his father and runs a traditional cake shop in front of the Tang Ancestral Hall. Given his understanding of clan history and cultures, he actively promotes the Ping Shan Heritage Trail. He contributes to the cultural preservation of the Tang clan and he provides useful oral history for tourists and researchers.

鄧國平先生是新界五大家族——鄧氏第27代傳人,並在屏山生活了50多年。幼時生長在各種宗族儀式的環境中,隨後成爲鄧氏宗族祭祀 “春秋二祭”的組織者,爲屏山文物徑的文化保護和推廣做出了貢獻。鄧先生也是一位非物質文化遺産傳承人,他繼承了父親製作潮州點心的技藝,至今仍在鄧氏宗祠前經營著一家傳統糕點店。在先前的實地考察中,鄧先生亦提供了許多珍貴的口述史料。

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© 2023 by Exploring Hong Kong Cultural Festival
Created by MAK Pui Hang & Designed by CHAN Hiu Wa and LAW Wan Sha

CAH4536 Advanced Management for Cultural Professionals & CAH3517 Cultural Tourism

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