Different from resettlement estates built during the 1960s, public housing estates like Lek Yuen Estate built in the 1970s under the ten-year housing programme published by MacLehose have provided a better living environment for citizens.
在居住空間方面,不同於擁擠的環境和徙置區之間的「共享原則」,公共屋邨為每個家庭提供了充足的居住空間。 每個公寓不僅有至少3.25平方米,而且還有獨立的廚房和私人浴室。 隨著隱私和衛生的改善,人們可以舒適地生活。
In terms of living space, unlike the crowded environment and the “sharing principle” among resettlement areas, the public housing estates have given a sufficient living space for each family. There are not only at least 3.25 sq. metres , but also an individual kitchen and a private bathroom in each flat. With the improved privacy and hygiene, people can live comfortably.