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 Relationship between Temple and Chinese Community


     The word “Wan Chai” literally means “a cove”, which has led to the phenomenon of a gathering place for the belief in water deities (水神) in this district. Hong Kong fishermen and merchants have always depended on fishing for their livelihood, so many people in Wan Chai believe in water deities to protect them. By exploring the development of Chinese temples in Hong Kong and the origin of the folk belief in water deities, it is found that Chinese temples have played a role in the history of the Wanchai community culture as well as an exemplary role in the community.

The Impact of Chinese Temples on the Wanchai Community

     When Britain started to govern Hong Kong in 1841, the management strategy for the Chinese community was to maintain a non-interventionist approach to traditional religious beliefs. The temple function preserved a place for the Chinese to solve public affairs in the community, and represented a certain degree of autonomy for the Chinese community. In turn, the temples were managed by the community, it also became a place for the Chinese to run schools for their children. Therefore, temples in the Chinese community in Hong Kong have the dual function of a space for faith and a public space. However, the British Hong Kong government would not allow the Chinese to stay out of the government's jurisdiction by gathering temples to conduct clan affairs. In order to stop and prevent the mismanagement of Chinese temples, the British Hong Kong Government introduced the “Man Mo Temple Ordinance” in 1908 and the “Chinese Temples Ordinance” in 1928. This changed the operation mode of Chinese temples in Hong Kong from the traditional village temple management and the community function of Chinese temples as a forum for discussion. It was against this historical background that the Chinese temples in Wanchai were managed to coordinate the affairs of the clansmen in the community and to conduct temple rituals.





Temples Rules by Chinese Temples Committee

Temples managed by the Chinese Temples Committee

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The Chinese Temples Fund and
General Chinese Charities Fund


Temples Rules by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals


Chinese Temples in Wan Chai

Yuk Hui Temple  (Pak Tai Temple) 

     Pak Tai Temple in Wan Chai, formerly known as Yuk Hui Temple, is located at Lung On Street, and is one of the largest temples on Hong Kong Island. Wan Chai was near the sea and its residents depended on the sea to make a living. In 1862, the residents of Wan Chai raised funds to build Yuk Hui Temple to pray for the blessing of the Pak Tai, the temple was finally completed in 1863. In the 1930s, the Hong Kong Confucian Society set up a voluntary school in the temple. In 1949, the left side hall of the temple became a club for boys and girls, which is the former of St. James' Settlement. Thus, the left and right side halls were used as a venue to discuss public affairs in the district and to provide educational services to the residents. This shows the original intention of the Wan Chai residents to build the temple, and also highlights the social characteristics of the Chinese community in Hong Kong to use the traditional temple as the centre of community discussion. In addition, Yuk Hui Temple in Wan Chai is dedicated to a number of deities, which is why there are a number of celebration festivals every year. The faithful followers will come to the temple to pray for a safe and long life. In conclusion, Yuk Hui Temple is an important historical landmark witnessing the development of the Wan Chai community and a symbol of the identity of the Wan Chai residents.


     灣仔北帝廟原名玉虛宮,位於香港島灣仔隆安街,是香港島最大的廟宇之一。舊時灣仔臨靠海邊,其居民又依水謀生。因此他們深信北帝作為水神能保佑區內漁民和船商平安和平息水患,於同治元年(1862年)由灣仔居民集資興建北帝廟祈求得到水神保佑,廟宇最終於1863年建成。1930年代,孔聖會曾在廟內設義學。 1949年,廟宇也曾是聖雅各兒童會的會址,即是聖雅各福群會的前身。因此左右偏殿都是作為議決區內公共事務和為居民提供教育服務的場地。顯示了灣仔居民及華商建立廟宇的原意,也凸顯出香港華人以傳統廟宇為社區議事中心的社會特徵。此外,灣仔北帝廟供奉多位神祗,因而每年都會有多個賀誕節慶活,善信均會來到北帝廟虔誠敬拜,祈求出海平安,消災延壽。總括而言,北帝廟是見證灣仔社區發展的重要歷史地標, 也是灣仔居民社區身分的象徵。

Statue of Pak Tai from the Ming Dynasty (1603) in Yuk Hui Temple (Pak Tai Temple), Wan Chai

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Yuk Hui Temple (Pak Tai Temple), Wan Chai 


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Hung Shing Temple 

     Hung Shing Temple in Wan Chai is located on Queen's Road East, and is the oldest temple in Wan Chai District. Originally a small shrine on the rocks, Hung Shing Temple was built on the rocks of the hill between 1847 and 1852 with funds raised by the people of Wan Chai, it was not until 1860 that the temple was expanded into a formal temple. In the foundation of Hong Kong, the area of south Johnston Road was a shoal, Hung Shing Temple was originally located on the waterfront. Due to the Wan Chai Reclamation, it is now located inland. The temple couplet on the stone pillar at the entrance is also a testimony to the old name of Wanchai, “Ha Wan”. From this, it can be seen that Hung Shing Temple was originally a religious place to pray for the smooth sailing of the community engaged in marine operations.



The boulder in Hung Shing Temple, Wan Chai

Hung Shing Temple, Wan Chai

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Copyright 圖片版權
1-2, 4: 由組員自行拍攝 author’s own photograph
3: 取自《香港廟宇》(下卷),華人廟宇委員會 Hong Kong Temples (Volume 2), Chinese Temples Committee
5: 取自香港廟宇(上卷),華人廟宇委員會 Hong Kong Temples (Volume 1), Chinese Temples Committee
: 由組員自行拍攝 author’s own photograph

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