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Ma On Shan Iron Mine

     You might not know that Hong Kong is relatively rich in mineral deposits. The Ma On Shan Iron Mine in Sha Tin, played a significant role in the mining development of Hong Kong for over 50 years. It was the only mine in the region that underwent large-scale development in Hong Kong. The mine was in operation from 1906 to 1976. 

Establishment of the Iron Mine

     The development of the Ma On Shan Iron mine was led by the discovery of iron ore in Ma On Shan by two Australians working for a prominent merchant Sir Catchick Paul Chater in 1906. It is also notable that during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong in the 1940s, the Japanese army had hired around 1500 miners engaging in mine exploitation. In 1949, the Mutual Trust Company, established by a Taishan merchant, obtained the mining rights of the iron mine and exported iron ore to Japan.  

Golden Era of the Iron Mine

     After World War II, the Allied Forces assisted Japan in re-industrialization due to the hostile Cold War, resulting in a high demand for iron ore. At the same time, the influx of refugees to Hong Kong during the Chinese Civil War also provided manpower for the iron ore mine. Additionally, the assistance provided by a Japanese mining company between 1954 and 1963 helped the Mutual Trust Company in developing the latest technology, which enabled the Ma On Shan Iron Mine to thrive. 

The Decline of the Iron Mine

     Despite steady development in the mine from 1964 to 1976, the depletion of the ore deposits and the rise of cheaper imports eventually made the mine uneconomical to operate. The closure of the mine symbolised the decline of mining in Hong Kong. 

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Copyright 圖片版權
取自馬鞍山民康促進會 Retrieved from Ma On Shan Promotion of Livelihood & Recreation Association

Reference 參考文獻
Antiquities and Monuments Office: Declared Monuments in Hong Kong - New Territories, retrieved from 
Chinese Temple Committee: Che Kung Temple, Sha Tin, retrieved from 
Home Affairs Department: Hong Kong Fun in 18 District – Tsang Tai Uk , Retrieved from: 
Home Affairs Department: Sha Tin District, retrieved from 
Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage Database: Che Kung (General Che) Festival, retrieved from 
Hong Kong Tourism Board: Sha Tin Racecourse, retrieved from  
Hong Kong Tourism Board: Tsang Tai Uk , Retrieved from: 
The Hong Kong Jockey Club: Racing Legacy and Encyclopedia, retrieved from 

Moss, P著:《馬照跑 : 香港賽馬會千禧年回顧 : 香港賽馬史 》。香港: 香港賽馬會,2000。 
危丁明:《仙踪佛跡:香港民間信仰百年》。香港: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司,2019。 
周樹佳:《香港諸神——起源、廟宇與崇拜》。香港: 中華書局(香港)出版有限公司,2009。 
梁楚君、黎嘉蕙、梁雅琳:《昔日豪宅  今日民居  —  沙田曾大屋》。沙田文化藝術推廣委員會,2021。 
簡而清著:《香港賽馬話舊》。香港: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司,1992。 
嚴忠明著:《香港賽馬煉金術(增訂本) 》。香港: 香港中和出版有限公司,2021。 


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