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The "Little Shanghai" in North Point    

     In the early years of Hong Kong, British surveyors conducted surveying works on the coastal areas of Hong Kong Island. They discovered the northernest headland along the northern coast and named it 'North Point'.


     The Second Sino-Japanese War and Chinese Civil War broke out between 1937 and 1949, leading to political instability and economic recession, and some people were worried about the new regime. With a relatively stable political environment as a British colony and the advantage of being a free port, many Shanghai entrepreneurs originated from Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangsu escaped with capital, skills and labour force and set up businesses in Hong Kong during the 1940-1950s. This greatly enhanced the local industrial development.

     Because of the high population density in the City of Victoria, they eventually settled in the newly developed area, North Point. Their living habits influenced the development of this area significantly. For instance, Shanghai restaurants, barbershops that offered 'full service' and Kiangsu-Chekiang College were established. Along King’s Road, there were also some performing venues and nightclubs mainly catering for the Shanghainese tycoons, filling the area with a vibe of the classic 'Shanghai nights'.



     英國佔領港島初期派船艦測量港島海岸,找出北岸最北點的岬角後將它命名為North Point,中文譯名則為北角。


     因維多利亞城當時已相當擁擠,他們最終聚居於剛發展的北角,海派文化深深地影響該區,有提供「全套服務」的上海理髮廳 、雪園及四五六等上海餐廳、由蘇浙滬同鄉會創立的蘇浙公學、天宮夜總會或引入上海式選美的麗池夜總會等娛樂場所,體現「夜上海」燈紅酒綠的氛圍。

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