King's Slippers Company
Located on the ground floor of Majestic Apartments in North Point, the King's Slippers Company has been selling embroidered slippers since the 1960s. The shop was originally opened by Mrs Lee and her husband and is now co-managed by her son, Mr Lee.
King's Slippers Company
During the 50s and 60s, the emergence of the Hong Kong manufacturing industry made the raw materials for making embroidered slippers easily accessible locally. As there were textile factories in North Point, many embroidered slipper shops were situated in the region. Most of them operated in a “shop-cum-storage” mode and some even had embroidery masters inside the shops to cater for the needs of the customers. From Mr Lee’s recollections of the Shanghainese, they valued taste so they had high standards for the quality and design of the embroidered slippers. With the decline of the manufacturing industry nowadays, these conditions are nowhere to be seen. Although most of the embroideries are finished with machines, complicated patterns such as sequins are still hand-made.
Shanghai ladies loved embroidered slippers with peony and nylon mesh.
State Theatre
Situated in the bustling King’s Road, the State Theatre also known as Empire Theatre was built in 1952 and provided entertainment such as movies and performances for the public. This reinforced concrete architecture displayed the simplicity and practicality of Post-war Modernist philosophy. In 1958, the Empire Theatre was expanded into the State Theatre Building, a multi-functioned complex comprised of a cinema, shopping mall, night club and apartments. Also, Empire Theatre changed its name to State Theatre.
State Theatre
State Theatre & "Little Shanghai" 皇都戲院與「小上海」時空
In the 50s and 60s, many Shanghainese capitalists immigrated and settled in North Point by doing textile business. At the same time, their “Shanghai nightlife” culture was brought with them and reconstructed in North Point. Plus, their pursuit of extravagance and ostentation. All these reasons constituted the formation of the “Little Shanghai” and North Point became the centre for top-notch entertainment. Under such historical contexts, State Theatre was one of the cultural centres in the Eastern District.
Empire Theatre and King's Road in 1953
璇宮戲院與英皇道 (1953年)
The Empire Theatre and State Theatre played crucial roles in Hong Kong's cinema and performing arts industry. The Empire Theatre opened the Chinese film market in Hong Kong through a screening alliance with two other cinemas in Kowloon and Central in 1956. Moving to 1964, the State Theatre was one of the few theatres that owned the screening rights on Hong Kong Island. It also hosted various art performances, including recitals, dramas, and dance performances. Under the management of Henry Oscar Odell, it attracted renowned performers and groups from around the world.
Mandarin film screened by Empire Theatre in 1956
Copyright 圖片版權
1-2: 由組員鄒泳茵自行拍攝 Chau Wing Yan(2023)
3: 取自新世界發展有限公司(2018) New World Development Company Limited (2018)
4: 取自香港工商日報Hong Kong Kung Sheung Daily News (1956)
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