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#04 No. 157 to 189 Ki Lung Street
第四站: 基隆街157-189號 

At 157 to 189 Ki Lung Street, you will find a row of iron sheet-covered pai dong (fixed-pitch hawker stalls) that sell different kinds of fabrics. Because of their iconic green appearance, they are also named "luk pei dong" (green iron sheet stall). Buying fabrics at pai dong is not only attractively low price but also subject to "serendipity". Most of their fabric supplies are surplus materials (leftovers after the manufacturer completes the order) from large-scale corporations at a discounted price, which is the secret to their high-quality and inexpensive fabrics. However, there are not many surplus fabrics left due to the unstable supply. Therefore, whether you can purchase the fabric that you desire, is up to "serendipity"! Known for its high-quality and inexpensive fabrics, Ki Lung Street has become a shopping paradise for many local designers and handicraft enthusiasts.

*Note: Pai Dong is generally closed on holidays.




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Reference (參考資料)

Leung, P. W. (2011). Heritage of the Sham Shui Po District, Hong Kong (深水埗風物志). Hong Kong: Sham Shui Po District Council.

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